Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Book Vending Machine

Our PTA bought a Book Vending Machine for the school and I am very proud of this purchase! We had a Penny War in the spring and our goal was to raise $3,000 to put towards the machine. (The machine cost $6,000, but we had enough money in our budget to cover the balance. We thought $3,000 was a reasonable, attainable goal for the penny war) 

We raised the $3,000 from the Penny War and were able to get the machine into the school, stocked, and running before the end of the year! We let all the graduating 5th graders vend a book the last week of school and then one student from each grade got to vend a book, too. I know the school will put this machine to great use next year for rewards and incentives. This was a really cool purchase and I'm happy to have been a part in making it happen! You can watch it vend a book here! 

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