Thursday, June 16, 2011

Backyard Shed!

Ross and I have been planning on putting a shed in our backyard since we moved in almost one year ago, and last Saturday that plan became a reality! We found a shed at Lowe's that seemed perfect for us. I think it's 8'x10', not too big, not too small, just the size we need for our lawn mower, tools, and miscellaneous items from our garage. We bought the shed (that came in a kit) about a month ago and it has been in our garage ever since. We couldn't start building it until the concrete pad in the backyard was poured for the foundation. This process took a while due to all the rain we had at the end of May, and also the Joplin tornado. The company we hired (just a local mom-and-pop business we found on Craigslist) spent a lot of time in Joplin helping with the recovery efforts, and they were just a little slow and worked on their timeline, definitely not ours! 
The foundation was finally poured on May 31, and last Saturday, June 11, was the first day we (well, more like Ross) had free to really work on it. Ross started putting some of the pieces together throughout the week, and then had Bryan Short and my Dad come over to complete it. All in all, it was a pretty smooth process. Ross started working on it around 10am, took a lunch break, and finished around 5pm that afternoon. He was so GLAD to be done! Sunday afternoon we loaded the shed up with the items from our garage, and were happy to find that we still have room in the shed for more stuff! Good job, Ross!
Back corner before the concrete was poured.

Thanks for your help, Bryan!
Thanks for your help, Dad!

The final product! Good job, Honeys!

1 comment:

Christina said...

That looks GREAT, it fits perfectly back by that tree!! :):) You guys have such a beautiful yard!!Well done Ross and crew!! :):)