Monday, October 15, 2012


Ross and I are having a baby! We are due April 24, 2013 and are very excited about this little baby. We found out in August and have been slowly wrapping our minds around this upcoming life change ever since. Right now I'm 12 weeks along. That oh so glorious second trimester is just around the corner, starting in just a few days or one more week, depending on whose calculations you go by. I have felt pretty blah the past 4-5 weeks and am definitely ready for the morning sickness, which with me is sometimes all-day sickness, to end! I guess it hasn't been that bad, though. I've only thrown up a couple of times and that's probably pretty easy compared to other women. But for me who is never sick, it has been hard!

We had a fun time telling our family and friends. I love the pictures below of all the grandparents - you can definitely see the excitement on their faces!

Right after we found out.....

You can't see it, but there's a positive sign on that stick!

Do you think she's surprised and excited?!

Gumma and Poppy, ready for grandchild #3!

Because everyone should take 4 pregnancy tests.
Uncle Nathan and Aunt Stephanie

Gramma and Grampa Wiseman, surprised and excited!

They are looking forward to meeting grandchild #3!

A very surprised Aunt Jennifer!

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