Friday, April 5, 2013


Yesterday morning when getting to work I took the elevator up to my floor. A few other ladies got on with me and when I saw who one of them was, I knew the conversation that was about to take place. I knew what it would be because this exact conversation has taken place with this same lady FOUR times joke. Here's the conversation:

Lady:  I don't think I've met you before. My name is "lady," what's yours?
Me:  Libby Wiseman
Lady:  Nice to meet you, Libby. I've heard your name before but haven't met you.

There is no joking, no kidding, no exaggeration to my statement above that this is the FOURTH time this exact conversation has taken place! I just smile to her and say nice to meet you and go on my way when I get off the elevator.

It just boggles my mind that she's done this four times now and doesn't remember meeting me! She's the one that has initiated the introduction, too. I wonder if she does this to lots of other people or if I'm just an unmemorable person. I also wonder if I should tell her we have met before. Yesterday I just wanted to say "well, actually you've introduced yourself to me three times before today," but I didn't. I didn't want to be mean.

I also wonder if I should nicely say something to her the next time this happens and tell her that we have met. Or maybe I should just catch her off guard and call her by name right when I see her and see what she says to that. I guess I should be glad that she's so friendly and nice, but at the same time it just annoys me that she can't remember meeting me four times in a row!

Perhaps she can't remember my name and doesn't want to admit that so introduces herself to me as a way to find out my name. I do understand the not remembering my name, as I am horrible with names. But when I can't remember somebody's name I usually ask their name and apologize for not remembering. I'd much rather hear that than "I haven't met you before," when she's introduced herself to me before!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It wasn't me was it??

:) Q.'