Thursday, September 19, 2013

2013 = Change

This year has been the year of change for Ross and me:
  • We had a baby and became parents and a family of three.
I could totally stop there with how things have changed for us because that alone is a huge change! But, there is more:
  • We sold Ross' house.
  • I quit my job to become a stay-at-home-mom.
  • We sold my house.
I know this is just a list of 4 items, but these are HUGE items and all of them happened in such a short amount of time! I'm not a real big fan of change, but have certainly gotten better at it over the years. The biggest and best change in our life this year was having Lucy. She is just such a joy to us. She is really "coming alive" now and developing a personality at five months old.

I think we are now done with the big changes like what's mentioned above. Now we are experiencing little changes, sometimes on a daily basis and these all revolve around Lucy. For example:
  • She's starting to roll over from her back to her stomach and can keep rolling until she rolls into something that stops her. We have to be more aware of her surroundings now, making sure she can't get into anything that could hurt her.
  • We're starting to feed her baby food and boy does this ever change things! For the past month we've kind of just been dabbling with the food, feeding her once a day, sometimes skipping a day or two. Last weekend my Dad asked how the feeding was going. I told him that we hadn't fed her the cereal in a few days (I'm still nursing her) because we just didn't have time one night and the other night didn't feel like going through the cereal process. He kind of laughed and said something about when that's all she eats is "real" food, what are we going to do when we don't feel like feeding her. This kind of hit home with me, making me realize that some day soon we will have to feed her, no matter how we feel and will have to make time for it.
  • Lucy has found her voice and is really into squealing now. It's very cute and funny to us, but we are both well aware of the fact that it's not so cute to the couple out at a restaurant for a dinner date who gets seated next to the booth with a loud, squealing baby. :) We're kind of having to rethink some of the places we eat and the times we go out to eat to not disturb too many people with her squealing. Her squealing (which we really do love) changes church, too. Up until now she's been in church with us, but now we'll need to put her in the nursery or one of us will need to sit in the lobby with her, so as to not distract people during church.
I'm sure there's many, many more changes I could write about and so many more will come our way in the future. Sometimes the change is a bit overwhelming, but I certainly wouldn't trade my new life for anything. I love my little family and I love my Lucy Girl so, so much!

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