Thursday, October 2, 2014


The Wiseman house will be predominantly PINK next February! We found out this week that we are having a little girl! But, the best thing about finding this out was learning that this little baby has a four-chamber heart, everything in tact in the brain, two lungs, two kidneys, two arms, two legs, and ten little fingers and ten little far as they can tell a healthy little baby!

We went in for the ultrasound at 8:30am. I woke up around 6am that morning (not my usual 7:15am) because I was excited, nervous, and thinking about how I needed to drink a bunch of water before going in as this ultrasound required a full bladder. I usually have a small glass of orange juice in the morning and that's it until I've been up for a while and then I'll drink water. I was so worried I wouldn't be able to drink enough or I'd drink too much and be completely uncomfortable needing to go to the bathroom during the ultrasound.

It turned out being just fine and we got to see everything we needed during the ultrasound. It was so neat! This is what we saw when the ultrasound began:

We could see the baby just as plain as day, so neat! Going into the day I think I wanted the baby to be a girl, but not too much more than a boy. Since we already have a girl, a boy would have been fun to see what he looked like. Part of me was probably nervous and afraid the baby would be a boy, but my first thought when seeing the image above was that boy or girl didn't matter, I was looking at a sweet little baby that would be just perfect for us. It was very exciting, though, when the ultrasound tech said GIRL! The baby was moving, punching, and kicking a lot and at one point we got a bottom shot of her. With that shot, the tech said that yes definitely looks like a girl!

They gave us several different images of the baby and I have some of them posted below. Enjoy the first pictures of our little Molly Mae Wiseman :)

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