Monday, June 20, 2016

Happy Father's Day!

Yesterday was Father's Day and we had a very nice day. The day started a little earlier than we had hoped due to Molly waking up overnight and Lucy waking up at 7am when she usually wakes up at 8am, but we powered through! We went to church, had breakfast at home, and then went to my parent's house for the afternoon. We went swimming, played some inside, and had dinner. It was a very nice, relaxing day!

I'm so thankful to have a very good dad. He's always been my coach in life and has taught me several valuable lessons, many of them not in words but in actions. He's also a very, very good Poppy, too! My kids and my sister's kids love playing with him and he loves playing with them, too.

I'm also thankful for the very good dad that my husband is. Ross has always been involved in our kids lives from day one. He got the job of changing all the yucky newborn diapers in the hospital with both kids and did so without complaining. And he was such a helper during their first months, too. When they would wake up overnight he would get them out of bed, change their diaper, and bring them to me to nurse. I don't think very many husbands help their wives out in that way and I'm so thankful Ross is one of those husbands who does. Ross truly loves our girls and loves playing with them, too. He's a good dad!

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