Wednesday, August 10, 2016


The picture below is the inside of our trash can. If you look closely, you will see a flowered piece of material on the top of the picture (or if you turn the picture 90 degrees to the left, the flowered piece of material is on the left side of the trash can). The flowered piece of material is actually one of Molly's baby doll's dresses. Currently, Molly is infatuated with throwing things away in our trash can. She's thrown away this and other baby doll outfits, the girl's play dishcloths for their kitchen, washcloths we use to clean the girls up after eating, toys, and other miscellaneous items. Sometimes it's kind of frustrating because we might have to fish something our amidst real trash, but it is quite funny seeing the things she puts in the trash can. We've watched her do it, too. She just walks over to the trash can, opens the lid, puts whatever she has in, and walks away. What a stinker she is!

This is new to us as Lucy didn't do anything like this at all. Thankfully, though, our trash can has a lock on it and we are not putting that lock to good use!

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