Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Seven Years

Yesterday, April 17, was our seven-year wedding anniversary! We had a nice time celebrating, which actually began last weekend. Friday morning, I met my Mom and she took the girls for the day and night so we could have a kid-free dinner. We met up with my parents and the girls the next day at my sister's house to celebrate Easter and my brother-in-law's birthday.

Friday night we went to dinner and then stopped at a grocery store to buy a few pieces of Cheesecake Factory cheesecake, and took them home to eat on our deck. It was a beautiful evening and fun to sit on our deck and enjoy the weather and our lights.

On our anniversary we went to dinner (thanks, Mom and Dad for the dinner $$!) at a local pizza place we both like. It was a nice time and good dinner, and although we didn't say it to each other, I'm sure Ross and I would have rather just stayed home given the way the evening began. Right before we left for dinner, Molly threw a huge fit because she didn't want to go anywhere and didn't want to change out of the Frozen nighty she had been wearing all day. Lucy also threw a fit because she didn't want to wash her hands like we asked. The fits were bad; definitely one for the books!

I don't know how, but we got them both calmed down and into the car ready to go. Dinner was uneventful and then we took a walk around the neighborhood and played outside for a little bit when we got home.

It was certainly quite a difference from our wedding day, our first anniversary spend in Hawaii, and our second anniversary spend in Jamaica, but nevertheless, it was a nice day because I spent it with Ross. :)

Photo credit to Lucy. ;) 

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