Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Mother's Day

I had a really nice Mother's Day! We went to church and then the girls reluctantly took some pictures with me. :) Many thanks to Ross for knowing how important pictures are to me and trying his best to get the girls to cooperate!

The girls were very excited to give me their presents and I loved them! It was a framed picture of each of them and it was just so special. (Again, many thanks to Ross!) The picture of Lucy and I is Lucy's favorite and the picture of Molly is so sweet. They each gave me a card, too, and Lucy was so very excited to give me some of her emoji stickers. :)

After lunch I went shopping by myself and bought some new shirts and then later that evening we went to dinner with my parents. It was just a very nice day all the way around!

And to add to my special mother's Day, last week at school I had a Mother's Day lunch with Lucy. The kids sang two Mother's Day songs for us and gave us a present. You can watch Lucy singing here.

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