Saturday, February 9, 2019

I Do It For The Donuts

Over the course of 2018 I developed a great love for donuts and I blame this on my husband. I was never a big donut person before we met, but he has certainly gotten me into them over the years. I don't really like a variety of donuts, just a few certain types. My favorite glazed donuts are from Walmart and my favorite "specialty" donuts are from Krispy Kreme: chocolate iced, cream filled are the absolute best!

We often find Krispy Kreme coupons in the paper for one dozen any kind donuts for $6-something and take the girls there to get some. This is a good deal and we love getting this coupon. We've also found that the donuts freeze very well, so don't feel too bad about getting a whole dozen! Ross' favorite Krispy Kreme donuts are the chocolate iced, cream filled, too. The girls also like these donuts so we get them for the whole dozen, eat whatever at the donut shop, and put the rest in our freezer.

I love the donuts so much that I made myself a workout shirt that says "I do it for the donuts." I love wearing this shirt and I love donuts! The pictures below are from New Year's Eve day when the girls and I met Daddy at Krispy Kreme to get donuts after we'd been to the gym. A few years back on NYE day I was sick so Ross took the girls to get donuts and it became our NYE day tradition to get donuts.

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