Saturday, June 22, 2019

Vacation Bible School

We had Vacation Bible School at our church a few weeks ago and it was a top notch program. Both Lucy and Molly were able to go and we even took friends with us each night! The theme for the week was no matter what's going on in your life, God is good! This point was presented each night with...When life is unfair, God is good. When life is scary, God is good. When life changes, God is good. When life is sad, God is good. When life is good, God is good!

Our church always does such a great job putting on events like this. They have some fantastic people who takes so much time to make it perfect. The decorations were great. The skits were great. The teaching was even greater! Each night had the same format beginning with everyone together in the sanctuary for a few songs and to introduce the theme for the night. After that we moved through four stations consisting of Imagination Station (craft and science experiment), Wild Bible Times (Bible story), Play Station (sports and games), and Snack Station. I was a crew leader which meant I was in charge of four people for the week and we went to each station together along with a few other crews. It was a tiring week, as the time was from 6-8:30 and we didn't get home until 9 each night, making for late bedtimes, but it was a good week.

So good in fact that on Friday, June 14, Lucy and I were talking about the previous night's lesson where Jesus died on the cross and rose again. She decided she wanted to ask Jesus to live in her heart, so we did just that! She was very excited about it and had a fun time telling people about it at VBS that night. :)

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