Friday, June 5, 2020

Responsibility Charts And Allowances

We started giving the girls an allowance twice a month. They get $5 each at the middle and at the end of the month and must tithe $1, save $1, and the remaining $3 can be spent however they choose. They have chores to do for their allowance and a chore chart to use for checking off once each job is completed. We started this in March and it has been going okay since. At the beginning they both did a good job of keeping up with their chores, but our 10 weeks of homeschool/quarantine/lack of real schedule kind of messed with our routine a bit. I hope to get back on track this summer with making them follow through with their chores.

A friend shared the responsibility chart she uses with her kids with me, so I edited it a bit and came up with the charts below. I had my sister laminate them for me so now we can resue them each week. I always got an allowance growing up and still to this day remember going to the bank to start my very own savings account and then years later my very own checking account! I always had to save and tithe a portion of my allowance and that stuck with me into adulthood. We hope to teach our girls the importance of tithing and saving through this process.

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