Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Money Pit....AKA The Dentist

I took the girls to the dentist last month for their regular checkups. I went in to the appointment feeling good, but came out feeling so bad! Both girls had cavities that need to be filled and Molly will need crowns put on four of her teeth and Lucy will need a crown put on her permanent molar that's coming in! I was so overwhelmed with all of this information and even more overwhelmed at the amount of money it will cost to have everything done! We have dental insurance, but it's not the best, and we can't not fix their teeth!

Molly's teeth are just very close together making it hard to get them good and cleaned, so she has four cavities that are just too bad and need caps on them. These are baby teeth, so hopefully we will have better luck with her permanent teeth when they start to come in. We went last week for her first of four appointments to fix her teeth. She came away with one silver tooth and loves it. ;)

Lucy had one cavity that was filled at the same time Molly was there, and she will go back later this month to have her molar capped. The enamel on her permanent molar is very weak and if we don't cap it, her tooth could just crumble. The dentist said these teeth are formed right after babies are born, and perhaps something happened, like she had a fever, that caused issues with this tooth when it was forming. So she will get a silver cap now and then later when she's done growing we will switch it out for a white cap. I don't think she really cares and will like having the silver tooth in her mouth. I had a silver tooth on one of my baby teeth and remember thinking it was really I guess I passed that onto my kids. :)

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