Thursday, December 13, 2012

Lucy Lee Wiseman

I guess I haven't posted in a while and haven't posted some very fun news....

We are having a GIRL!!!

Her name is Lucy Lee Wiseman!

We had a little trouble during the ultrasound, as she was sitting on her bottom, cross-legged! She just did not want to be bothered by us that morning. The ultrasound tech kept trying to get Lucy to move around and when she wouldn't, she had me to go the bathroom, thinking that might move things around a bit to get Lucy moving. 

It worked and we were able to tell that she is a GIRL! Ross and I were very excited with this news and started calling her Lucy right away. We have had a fun time talking to her and calling her by name instead of it. :)

Here's a picture of our daughter. As you can see, she's laying with her arm up and her hand on her forehead....such a drama queen! 

She has been very active lately and kicking a lot. The kicks are getting stronger and I can even see my stomach move up and down when she kicks at times! I'm still having issues with morning sickness. I have tried so many things...eating crackers in bed before I get up, preggie pops, eating before bed, eating when I wake up in the middle of the night. Nothing seems to completely take away the nausea. It's not real bad nausea, but enough to be annoying and make me scared to eat for fear of throwing up, which has happened so many times now that I've lost count! I sure hope Lucy's drama queen style life in the womb isn't any indication of what her life will be like outside of the womb. Ross and I might have our hands full if so! :)

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