Thursday, June 27, 2013

It's Just Not Worth It

Have you ever had a situation where you wanted to say something somewhat mean to the person you're talking to in order to "put them in their place?" Or maybe not so much say something mean, but just voice your opinion on the subject matter at hand, knowing that you will completely disagree with the person you're talking to. I've had this happen to me a lot lately and am finally starting to learn that it's just not worth it.

Most of the conversations I have like this are a difference of opinions or experiences. The times when I have said my peace to the person (or getting the last word in as my Mom said I always had to do as a kid) I've left that conversation feeling bad. I felt dumb for having to make myself heard and felt like I hurt the other person's feelings or made them feel dumb or embarrassed if there were others around who heard our conversation.

I'm very proud of myself because just this past Monday I had the same situation come up and although it was really hard, I decided to not get the last word in and let the situation go without voicing my comeback. I knew if I did say what I wanted to say I would have felt bad and hurt the other's feelings...even though they hurt mine in the first place. :)

I'm learning to try and let it's just not worth it!

1 comment:

Christina said...

I am so proud of you! I know how hard those moments can be! Persevere sweet friend, taking the high road is always the better choice!! :)