Friday, November 29, 2013

Hush Little Baby Don't Say a Word

Are you familiar with the lullaby, "Hush Little Baby?" There are lots of different versions to this song, but according to Wikipedia :) what I have below is the most common version:

Hush, little baby, don't say a word,
Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird.

And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring.

And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass.

And if that looking glass gets broke,
Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat,

And if that billy goat don't pull,
Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull.

And if that cart and bull turn over,
Mama's gonna buy you a dog named Rover.

And if that dog named Rover won't bark,
Mama's gonna buy you a horse and cart.

And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town
I really like the tune to this song and the swing that Lucy spent a lot of time in from months 2-5 plays this song, so I've become very familiar with it. I wasn't quite sure of the lyrics so looked them up and realized they are very out dated! I decided to make up my own updated, personalized version of this song for Lucy. It's a work in progress, but here's what I have so far:
Hush little Lucy, don't you cry
Mommy's gonna rock you till your teardrops dry.
And when your teardrops are no more,
Mommy's gonna play with you on the floor.
And when your floor playtime is done,
Mommy's gonna take you along for a run.
And on that run you'll get to see
The flowers and the birds and the sky and the trees.
To be continued.....
I'm stuck on how to finish the song. I'd like to add a few more verses, so will keep on thinking!

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