Saturday, October 3, 2015

A Double Screen Night

Ross has one class this semester and it's on a Monday nights from 7-8:50pm. It's nice that he's home to each dinner with us, but does stink that he has to leave and go out for the evening. We usually tag team bath and bedtime, one of us taking Molly, the other taking Lucy, and it works out very well. Monday nights I do bath and bedtime on my own and sometimes it's kind of hard to keep one occupied while I help the other. Molly is pretty easily entertained these days. Lucy isn't so much.

One Monday night she asked to watch one of her recorded shows, so I thought why not. I set her up on the bean bag chair in the guest room with her show and went to get Molly's bath. I came back in to check on Lucy and realized she was playing the iPad, while watching her show. I hadn't given her the iPad, she took it without me knowing.  Normally I would not let her do this, it would be one or the other, but sometimes you have to bend the rules a little and allow for a double screen night!

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