Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Gumma Preschool

On some Tuesdays when Lucy goes to preschool, Molly goes to "Gumma Preschool." I meet my mom after dropping Lucy off at school and Molly goes to her house for the day. It's so nice because I can get things done like cleaning or shopping, or just whatever I want to do. And Molly really likes playing at Gumma and Poppy's, so it's a win-win all the way around. 

Molly went to Gumma Preschool yesterday and my Mom text me a funny story and pictures about Molly and the candy that Mom has out at her house. Here's my Mom's text:

Molly got here and her eye immediately locked on the Hershey's Kiss birdie! So I let her have one.

Then later in the morning, I went to the restroom in my back bedroom. When I came out, she was sitting on the floor with candy wrappers all around her.

I said, "Oh, Molly! How many of those have you eaten? I think you better put that birdie back on the table."

I didn't get a picture of her quick enough because she jumped up, knowing uh ohhhh, and she said, "Okay, Gumma; I put it back. They're good, Gumma!" So I took a picture of the aftermath! 

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