Thursday, April 18, 2019

Spring Break 2019

Spring Break 2019 was a rockin' one for the Wisemans. ;) Lucy and Molly had spring break the first week and Lucy also had an extra Friday off of school. We kicked it off on that Friday with a trip to the art museum for the pre-K art time they have. It was a come and go type set up with painting, paper weaving, coloring, and some different types of paper crafts. I've wanted to go to this event for quite a while but have never been able to so am glad we made it this time!

The next day we had my Dad's retirement party which was a nice time and great way to honor his 40+ years of pharmacy work. After the party we came home to find a 100+-year-old tree had been knocked over by the wind! That was such a surprise to find and not surprising that the wind had done that. It was a crazy windy day.

On Monday we spent the day in Branson being tourists! It was fun walking through Dick's 5 & 10 store and we let the girls each pick out a toy while Ross and I picked out some candy. Lucy had fun riding the horse that was outside the store, but Molly wanted nothing to do with it! We rode the free trolley that goes around downtown Branson and watched the fountain display at the Landing. It was a a perfect weather day and a fun family day!

The girls spent the night with Gumma and Poppy later that week and had a fun time hanging out in the play tent with Gumma!

We capped off the week with some great weather and playing outside on our swingset. Overall it was a pretty good spring break!

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