Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A Summer Day Straight Out Of 1980-Something

We...well maybe more so I...had the best time Monday afternoon and it seemed like an afternoon straight out of the 1980s. We had some friends over to play on the driveway in our friendly caterpillar sprinkler. We've had it for a few years and I think it got the most use it ever has on Monday. Everyone had fun playing with the sprinkler and we even got out the umbrellas and pool toys to play with! I brought up some empty storage tubs from the basement and we filled those up to make pools for each kid. It was so much fun and they played outside for probably two hours.

When our friends were getting ready to go home we heard some music from the end of the street and realized it was the ice cream truck! We got a few treats from the truck which made for the perfect ending to a super fun afternoon.

I'm just in love with this fun day that we had! It struck me that it seems like this is something I would have done in the 1980s when I was Lucy's age and it goes to show that you really don't need a whole bunch of fancy toys to have fun!

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