Saturday, December 14, 2019

Positive Principal Referral

I received a call this week from Lucy's school principal. When I saw the caller ID pop up as her school I thought for sure it was the school nurse calling to say she was sick and needed to go home. Instead it was her principal calling to tell me Lucy had received a "Positive Principal Referral" from her teacher for good behavior! First, I was totally relieved that it wasn't the nurse, and second I was so surprsied and excited about this call! I did not know our school did things like this so was completely surprised! Her principal said that Lucy is such a good student and is very well-behaved, always does the right thing, never gets in trouble, and is responsible. For this award Lucy had her name mentioned on the school announcements and also got to pick a prize from the principal's treasure chest.

I'm so very proud of Lucy! She really is a good girl and I'm so glad she's mine! 

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