Saturday, May 16, 2020

Basement Bike Riding

We have an unfinished basement that goes back and forth between being cleaned up and a little messy. When our stay-at-home order started back in March, I decided to clean up the basement to give the kids another place to play when it was cold outside. We have an old tricycle of Molly's and an old bike of Lucy's in the basement and once I cleaned it up, the girls had a blast riding those bikes around. One night we were all down there and the girls were pretty wound up. They were having biking races and all was good until Molly crashed. It was the funniest thing to me and it's like we were watching them riding just waiting for something like that to happen. She was okay, no one was hurt and nothing was broken, which is kind of amazing because she crashed into some drinking glasses that were on a shelf. Be sure to turn up your volume and listen for the crash at the end of the video here!

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