Wednesday, August 19, 2020


We've had some nice weather lately. It's been hot, but the humidity has been low, making it not too bad to be outside in the afternoon. Sunday we decided to do something outside instead of staying in and watching TV all day. We took the girls to the Nature Center to walk around a little. As you can tell by the picture below, Lucy loved it....NOT! Lucy's expression is about what Molly's was, only Lucy wasn't throwing a fit like Molly. Well, unless you count crying as a fit, then perhaps she was throwing a fit! 

We hiked maybe right at one mile. It wasn't hard hiking and it wasn't really all that hot out, either. But both girls were not happy at all. Probably about 1/100 of a mile into the hike Molly started complaining that she was too tired and Lucy told us her legs hurt. Oh my gosh! It was one of those things that you just had to laugh at and keep going. It was quite ridiculous really! 

But, I guess I should say that in their defense, they are both (especially Lucy) terrified of flies, wasps, bees, anything that flies they're scared of it. No joke! It's made swimming outside somewhat challenging this summer with the way they get so scared and start screaming when they see something flying by. Maybe we will try hiking again in the fall or on one of our typical warm winter days when there are no bugs out. Or maybe we won't.....

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