Monday, August 3, 2020

Your Vs You're

Below is a screenshot of an email I received last month from Wonders of Wildlife. I immediately noticed a problem with this email........can you notice it??!

The heading of the email says "You're July Membership Newsletter is HERE!" However, it should read "YOUR July Membership Newsletter is HERE!" Now, I'll be the first to admit that I make lots of typos (there's probably some in this post), but my high school English teacher DRILLED into us the difference between Your and You're, as well as Their, There, and They're. Because of that, I tend to notice those mistakes a little more than others and try very hard to use the spellings correctly! And when a mistake like this is made from a company like this, or even our local news station which happens a lot, it just makes me shake my head! You would think a professional organization would double and triple check things like this that go out!

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