Monday, November 30, 2020

Thanksgiving Fun

We had a nice Thanksgiving day last week! Since 2004, I have been doing the Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving morning, but this year due to Covid the Turkey Trot was "virtual" and didn't really happen. Lucy was sad about this so we did a little walk around our neighborhood that morning for our own Turkey Trot, and then later in the day we did a Covid Trot after our Thanksgiving dinner!

We spent the day at my sister's house in Joplin with her family, her mother-in-law, and my parents. It was a really nice time with good food and good weather. Lucy got everyone organized and got their race bib numbers on them for our Covid Trot and we did about a one mile walk around their neighborhood! It was a nice day and we do have so very much to be thankful for! 

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