Monday, January 11, 2021

Christmas Eve

We had a very nice Christmas celebration this year! It began on 12/23 when we went to my parents' house to have Christmas with them and my sister's family. We had a nice time together eating dinner and opening presents. I was so proud of the girls for being very thankful for all their gifts!

Ross' parents came down on 12/24 and we had a good time together. Wanda and Molly put together a gingerbread house that afternoon and then we had chili for dinner. After dinner we did our traditional reading of the Christmas story by candlelight and then also sang some Christmas carols around the piano, played by Lucy! She did a great job playing and you can watch her play here

This year we decided to drive around and look at Christmas lights after singing together. There's one house that we all really love and it's close by, so we drove over to it and then back home to get ready for bed. The girls put out cookies for Santa and reindeer food on the deck. It was a really nice night! 

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