Wednesday, February 24, 2021


We bought a treadmill! We have an exercise bike in our basement that Ross has had for a very long time. He uses it about two times a week, but I never use it because the seat is uncomfortable. He mentioned he'd like to get a treadmill and I thought that was a great idea! I'm not a fan of running on the treadmill, but I am a fan of running and when it's as cold and snowy as it has been the last few weeks, I cannot run outside! So a few weeks ago he drove to Osage Beach to purchase the treadmill he wanted to Dick's Sporting Goods and came back home with it. He got it all put together, plugged it in, turned it on, but it blew a fuse! We did a little research and found that he would need to create an electrical outlet just for the treadmill due to the amount of power it needed. So he did some more research on what exactly he needed to do and he got it done! It's been so nice to have it in the basement to go use whenever we feel like using it! I have a goal this year to run 10 miles a week, so having this at my fingertips will definitely help me meet that goal! 

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