Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Sports Day!

We had a family Sports Day last weekend and did our kids ever love it!! (The end of that sentence should be read with heavy sarcasm and eye rolls.) When Ross and I were dating, one Sunday afternoon we rode bikes at a local trail. Then later that same day we played tennis and played catch. I don't remember if we had planned to do all of that activity that day or not, but we had a fun time and called it Sports Day! We did Sports Day again the next year and added in another sport to our mix. I think we only did it for two years and then it stopped. I'd say we just forgot about it and then had a couple of kids so really didn't have time. Well, this year I decided to bring it back! I told the girls about it and they seemed really excited for it, but that excitement didn't last long once we got going! 

This year we planned to do biking, kickball, softball, and basketball. We brought our bikes up to the school playground and rode around a few times and then moved on to kickball. Molly was done after the bike riding because she got really hot. We got her to play a little kickball with us, but after that she was done! Lucy, Ross, and I then moved on to basketball and had a fun time playing around with that. 

Sports Day didn't go quite as I had expected, but that's okay. I still had fun! Maybe we'll try again next year! 

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