Monday, August 23, 2021

First Day Of School!

Today is the first day of school! Our morning went really well, everyone woke up early, had breakfast, and were in good moods! (I hope that's the case every day from now on!) Lucy is in third grade and has a guy for her teacher and Molly is in first grade and has the same teacher Lucy had when she was in first grade. Both teachers are great and I think the perfect fit for the girls. We pray all summer that the girls will be put in the class that's the right teacher and friends for them to have that year, so I trust that our prayers were answered! Lucy is pretty excited to have a guy for a teacher and I think it he be a great match for her. We took our annual first day of school pictures on our porch and at the school. Two years ago we added in a first day of school picture with our neighbor, Mr. Mike, and we carried on with that today! We couldn't walk the girls into school due to covid, but did walk them to the door. Ross and I walked away feeling good because we know how great our school and teachers are! 

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