Thursday, May 25, 2023

School Pizza Parties and Subbing

I was busy last week!

Monday I subbed Molly's second grade class all day. 

Tuesday at 10:30 I helped serve pizzas to all K-2 students as a celebration of being done with all the end-of-year testing the students do. That was quite a task to organize and carry out! I was working on that as a part of PTA. Then that afternoon I was a PE sub having four classes for PE.

Wednesday afternoon I was a PE sub again having four classes - K and 1st grade classes. They can certainly wear a person out, especially someone who's not used to being around that age group all the time!

Thursday I was back to help with the 3-5 pizza parties!

Friday I subbed a third grade class all day. I'm really glad I started subbing this year and wish I'd started it sooner! I've enjoyed it and found that I like the older kids better than the younger kids! The older kids might have a bit of an attitude at times, but they're much easier to corral! 

I'm on summer break now, but do look forward to all the PTA things next school year and subbing 1-2 times a week as well! 

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