Thursday, June 15, 2023

Back Home!

I bought this table and chair set for Lucy when she was maybe 16-17 months old and I was pregnant with Lucy! I found it at a friend of a friend's garage sale. I had been wanting a table like this for Lucy to play at and was thrilled to have found it. It was $25 and the tabletop was a bit messed up, but I didn't care. It was in our living room and served as a play area for years and then moved into our playroom. Last year I put it up in our attic because it was just not being used anymore.

This spring we were trying to clean things out and I decided that it would be okay to pass this table along to someone else. I asked the girls and they said yes, let's sell it. So I posted it for sale on Facebook and a friend messaged me that she had a friend who wanted to buy it. I was thrilled and even more thrilled to learn that my friend's friend who wanted to buy the table and chairs is the same lady who I bought it from in 2014! She wanted to buy it back for her niece who was getting ready to have a baby! This made me so happy and I love how it came full circle! 

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