Monday, September 6, 2010

From this...

To this...

A few weeks ago I decided it was time to chop my hair. I've been growing it out since the fall of 2006. Now, I have had it trimmed about every couple of months since then, and a few of those times I had one inch taken off instead of the 1/4" for the trim. I thought about cutting it short a few times along the way but decided to keep it growing. Secretly, I think my main goal was to grow it out until I got married and then chop it! I wanted it long for my wedding to be able to style it in an up-due and oh, I had the prettiest wedding hair!

But around the first of August I decided it was time for it to go! I had about 6-7" cut off a couple of weeks ago and now I love it! My only requirement was it had to be long enough to still put up in a ponytail. It was so weird getting used to short hair again, especially when washing and combing my hair.

Now to just get the colored portion of my hair grown off and chopped so my hair is all one color again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like your new "do"! Enjoy!
Love you....Aunt Linda and Uncle Dale