Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I Forgot It Again

I came home from work yesterday to find this:

It's the piece of toast with peanut butter that I made for myself, before I left for work that morning! This is not the first time I've forgotten my toast, and just hate it when I do that. I usually get the toast ready as I'm eating my cereal, and eat the toast in the car on my way to work. When my toast is ready I set it on the counter by the toaster oven. I usually have my lunch, purse, coat, etc., on the island or kitchen table, which is on the other side of the kitchen in location to the toaster oven. I just completely forget to grab my toast, and the funny thing is, I never realize it once in the car or at work. I remember it when I get home at night and see it on the counter. 

Oh well, maybe I'll remember next time! 

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