Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Whole New World

I quit my job after having Lucy four months ago and am now a stay-at-home-mom. You can read about it here. My days are usually spent at home with Lucy, sitting on the floor and playing with her and trying different things to keep her attention until nap time. Sometimes we go out and run errands or just go shopping to look at things. I usually go in the mornings because it works better for us and we mainly go to the grocery store, Walmart, or Target. Lately I've noticed that all of these places have something in common: the shoppers mostly consist of moms with babies and kids that are too young to go to school.

Just this morning I went to Target and it seems like every person I saw was a mom pushing a stroller around the store or pushing a cart with a baby carrier in it. I even ran into one of my friends who had a baby two months after Lucy was born. She is a teacher so is not usually out at that time either, and we discussed how all the moms are out now! When I was working, I would work extra time during the day on Monday-Thursday so I could leave work early on Friday. Friday afternoons were when I did most of my shopping and the people I would see out from 2pm-4pm were definitely not moms with kids!

Being a stay-at-home-mom certainly has opened me up to new experiences and a whole new world! Some of them big, some of them little and probably silly like this, but it's my life now. And I love it!

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