Sunday, August 16, 2015

Officially Broke In As A Mom

I know I've been a mom for 2 year and 3 1/2 months now, but there are a few things that have happened over the last few months that made me feel like yes, I am officially broke in as a mom now.

The first came early one Saturday morning, about 4:45am. Lucy woke up around 4am that morning whining a bit. I sat and rocked her for a bit and put her back in her crib. She kept whining so I brought her to bed with me hoping she would go back to sleep. That didn't work so I decided to rock with her again. I am so glad I did because after about 5 minutes of sitting there she threw up ALL OVER ME. And I do mean all over me because she was sitting facing me.

It was like this slow motion scene...all of a sudden Lucy starts throwing up ALL OVER ME. Think hot dogs, cottage cheese, and Kool-aid throw up. It was by far the most absolutely disgustingest thing I have ever experienced in my life. Ever in my 36 1/2 years of life. So disgusting. It was all over and down my shirt and in my hair. Oh so gross. Although it was so disgusting, I was glad it happened all on me because hardly any of it got on her. Just a little got on the quilt I have on the rocking chair and a just a little got on the carpet. So from the aspect of cleaning up and worrying about stains, I was the main one who had to clean up.

I called Ross in and he was a trooper. He HATES throw up, cannot stand it, but he helped by cleaning up Lucy while I took a shower. I'll spare you the details of trying to get undressed and not get the throw up that was on me all over or trying to get it out of my hair..........

I've thought off and on before that night that we've been lucky to not have anything like that happen. Well, it happened and we were broke in as parents and dealing with sick kids.

The second experience was one I've heard most all of my mommy friends talk about over the years: the thrill of going to the grocery store alone without any kids. They would describe it as a heavenly vacation because they were able to shop without the worry of kids. Of course I couldn't relate to it before having kids and then with Lucy I felt like I still couldn't relate to it. It was always pretty easy taking her to the grocery store with me. I would plan it around a time I knew Lucy would cooperate and would be sure to have snacks and my phone along if she got restless.

Well, I can probably count on one hand the times I've gone to the grocery store with both of my girls since Molly was born. I just don't like going with both of them. Molly's car seat and Lucy take up too much room in the cart for my groceries and I'm afraid one is going to pitch a fit at any moment so just prefer to not go with them or go when Ross can go along, too. A few Sundays ago we needed some groceries and I decided to go during naptime. I was gone about 45 minutes but it was so great. I felt like I was on a vacation by myself. I got to listen to whatever I wanted to in the car. I didn't have to carry anyone in to the store with me. I had lots of room in my cart. And I just kind of took my time, something I wouldn't do if I had the girls with me.

Like I said, I know I became a Mom when Lucy was born, but after these two experiences I feel like I really am a mom now.

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