Thursday, February 25, 2016

How Perspectives Change

It's funny how things change when you have a kid or two. You see things in a completely different light than before. I read an article about this and thought of my own things that I think way differently about now that I'm a parent compared to before.

1.  Waiting in lines. Lines are the worst with kids! With a baby and a two-year-old you never know when one is going to "erupt" in their own way. I hate lines and avoid them as much as possible!
2.  Automatic doors. All doors should be automatic or have a handicapped button to push for it to open. Do you know how hard it is to manage a door when carrying two kids at once, carrying one kid and pushing a stroller, or pushing a stroller and trying to manage the kid walking next to you?
3.  High chairs and bathroom changing stations. All restaurants should have high chairs. That should just be a rule no matter what. But probably more so, all bathrooms (restaurants, wherever you're at) should have changing stations. Do you know how gross it is to lay your baby down on a bathroom floor, even if placed on a blanket, to change her? But when your baby needs changed, she needs changed so you make due.
4.  Preference to those with littles. Pre-kid Libby would soooo laugh at this one but post-kid Libby realizes how hard it is lug around two littles! People should totally let a mom with her cart full of groceries and two kids go in front of everyone to check out next because as mentioned above, you never know when the baby or kid is going to erupt!
5.  Grocery store drive-thrus. Grocery stores should totally have drive-thrus for when you only need one-two items. Sometimes it's just too daunting of a task to go into a store for one item with kids in tow, but go figure, that one item you need is the essential ingredient to the evening's dinner and you have to get it. A drive-thru for this purpose would be so wonderful!

I'm sure there's lots more things I can add to this list but can't think of them now. This article was my inspiration for this post:

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