Monday, February 8, 2016

What Mom Am I

I've read lots of "Mom" articles lately and enjoy them because I can so relate. Some of the ones I enjoy are the "What Kind Of Mom You Find At The Playground....Trick-Or-Treating...On The First Day Of School...At The Birthday Party..." They list about 10 different types of Moms you will find in these situations. The types range from the over-protective mom, the mom who lets their kid run loose without checking on him or her, the one who has every type of baby supply possible in her diaper bag, the one who has all the snacks, the one who takes tons of picture, etc.

One day when I was at a park with my girls I noticed a group of moms talking while pushing their kids on the swings and this article popped into my mine. I thought of it because one of the moms was dressed like she was going to a semi-fancy lunch date instead of a park playdate. She looked very pretty with her hair and make up all done up, a very nice shirt with a fur vest over it, skinny jeans, and boots. As I said, she looked nice, but just didn't seem to fit the park dress code that day. Another mom in this group looked like her, but not as "done up" as she was, and the other mom had on a workout outfit, tennis shoes, and her hair in a ponytail. This group just struck me funny and I started thinking about the "Moms You Meet At The Park" articles I've read.

I looked at myself and wondered what Mom would I be classified as if someone was looking at me with that article in mind. My hair was fixed and I had my usual minimal amount of makeup on, I had a long-sleeve shirt with a jacket on with jeans and tennis shoes. Most of the other moms at the park fit my description of clothing and not many were dressed like the mom above. There's nothing wrong with the way any of us were dressed, just different strokes for different folks, as Ross would say!

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