Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Molly loves to climb. She climbs up on the couch, climbs on chairs, tries to climb on the table, and climbs the stairs when we're with her. We have a baby gate up at the bottom of our stairs, but that hasn't mattered at all to Molly! She discovered how to crawl through the bottom spindles and get to the stairs. The bottom spindles on each side are farther apart that all of the others, making it easy for her to get through. Lucy can even get through those!

We realized we had to do something about this space because we found Molly either halfway up the stairs or all the way up the stairs a few times when the gate was closed. I asked my Dad if he had anything we could use and he came through for us! He brought two pieces of pegboard that we zip-tied to the spindles, blocking off the space.

It works very well, however, Molly still tries to get to the stairs by trying to climb up on the outside of the spindles. She is definitely our fearless kid!

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