Sunday, May 1, 2016

Chocolate Chips

One day at lunch Lucy decided she needed some chocolate chips. She knows I keep them in the freezer so she decided to get them out herself. I was at the kitchen table helping Molly with lunch so my back was to Lucy. I did turn around, though, when I heard the sound of several little things spilling on the floor, along with a munchkin-sounding "uh-oh" coming from the freezer.

I walked over to find Lucy standing there looking at me with a sad and kind of scared look on her face. As she pulled out the BIG bag of chocolate chips, the chips spilled out onto the kitchen floor. Luckily, a towel was on the floor and the majority of the chips spilled on the towel, making it easier to clean them up. I was a bit frustrated with this, but didn't get onto Lucy. Yes, she shouldn't have gotten the bag out herself without asking, but I should have taped the bag shut when I put it back into the freezer after using it last.

Lesson learned.

Sadly, though, this is probably just a lesson learned on my part and not yet quite learned on Lucy's part. :)

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