Monday, March 18, 2019

Birthday Signs

My very best friend from growing up and probably of all time, Kara, turned 40 this past December. Her sister had a surprise party for her a few weeks before her birthday at at that party we were reminiscing about her past birthdays. She reminded me of a birthday where I had put signs around town and along her driveway saying "Happy Birthday Kara." I had completely forgotten about that and we had a good laugh about it. I'm glad we had that conversation because it gave me the idea to do signs about for her 40th birthday!

It worked out perfectly, too. Her birthday is December 23, which was a Sunday last year. We were planning on having our Ward/Herndon/Wiseman Christmas party at my parents' house in Ash Gove on the 22. I told my dad what I was planning on doing and he helped me go out after sunset that night to put "Happy Birthday Kara" signs near her house. It was the best time! We put up six signs - all in places that I knew she would be traveling the next day.

I got a text from her the morning of her birthday with a picture of one of the signs asking if I knew anything about it and saying it had "Ward" written all over it. This made me laugh so much! It was a fun way to

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