Wednesday, March 13, 2019

VIP Volunteer

I am now a VIP volunteer at Lucy's school! Every time you go to her school you have to sign in and out and wear a sticker that says "Horace Mann Visitor." I didn't think anything of the signing in and out; I just figured it was for safety concerns, etc. Well, right before Christmas I learned that they track the time you spend volunteering and once you reach 20 volunteer hours you become a VIP volunteer! With this grand distinction comes your very own ID card that you get to wear when at the school instead of the sticker. I had seen a few people with name tags like this, but they were PTA officers, so figured it just came with the PTA territory, so to say. I was secretly thrilled and excited to learn about this and receive my very own VIP badge! I do wear it proudly every time I go to Lucy's school! :)

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