Wednesday, July 24, 2019


I took Lucy and Molly last weekend to Omaha, Nebraska, for our annual visit. (Ross had to work, so he couldn't go.) My parents are both from Omaha, high school sweethearts for 49 years in fact, and growing up our summer vacations were spent in Omaha visiting our grandparents. Since about 2009, we've made it a point to go to Omaha each summer to celebrate my Gramma's birthday in July. She turned 91 on July 10 and is still going strong! She's the only grandparent I have left and I sure do love her.

She has a three-wheel bike that my dad bought and refurbished for her a few years back and she rides it most every day when she can. She rode it one morning while we were there and I was so impressed with this! She rode six times around her driveway and then went down the road a bit and back. I so want to be like that when I'm 91 years old!

I teased her that her outfit matched her bike!

For as long as I can remember we've always taken selfies even before selfies were cool and done with digital cameras. :) 

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