Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Miracle Of Christmas

Last Satuday Larry and Wanda took us to see "The Miracle of Christmas" at the Sight & Sound Theater in Branson. We were all very excited to see it, and the show did not disappoint! It was a huge production with live animals! It was the story of Jesus' birth, with a lot of focus on Mary and how she came to find out about carrying Jesus and the fallout from that. It was based on the Bible, with a little bit of liberty taken to add to the story. It was so well presented and gave you a different point of view on Mary and all she experienced being told she would give birth to the Son of God! 

The girls loved it, too! It was fun to watch them watch the show! They were engaged the entire time and have been talking about it ever since. The show began at 3:30 and we had an intermission about 5pm. The second act wasn't as long as the first, and the show as over a little before 6pm. It didn't even realize all that time has passed in the first act! I just can't say enough about how great of a production it was!

After the show we went to the Branson Landing for dinner and walked around looking at the Christmas lights. It was a fun-filled day!

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