Thursday, December 17, 2020

Meals On Wheels!

I'm now delivering meals to seniors on Thursday mornings! I think it's just called "meal delivery service" but I like to call it Meals on Wheels! I remember when I was little my Mom talked about how my Aunt Marilee (her sister) used to deliver Meals on Wheels and I thought that was really neat. I've always wanted to do something like this but felt I couldn't commit to it until both my kids were in school all day. 

I searched online to find a place that offered a service like this and contacted them saying I wanted to volunteer. It took a few months for them to contact me, but they did and now I'm lined up to deliver meals once a week. 

I report to a local senior center, load up my car with the meal bags, and head on my way to my route. It takes about one hour to complete and the stops are pretty much all lined up in a logical manner. Some places I just drop the meals on the porch, other places I have to bring the meals into their house for them. I'm not a fan of that, but oh well! I am a fan of helping others when I can, so I guess I can deal with that part of it. :) 

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