Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Spoon Collecting

We went to Fantastic Caverns over spring break and while we were waiting to go on our tour we looked around at their gift shop. I noticed they had several of these collector spoons for sale. I remembered that my mom has several of these types of spoons that she used to display at her house. They were spoons she had bought as souvenirs from different vacation spots. It was funny to me that this is something still produced and sold! I would think spoon collecting would be a thing of the past! 

And then shortly after our trip to Fantastic Caverns, I was at my Gramma Ward's house and noticed she had a spoon rack on display in her house! She's had this up for quite a long time, but I think I noticed it more now since I had just seen the spoons at Fantastic Caverns. I wonder if anyone still collects spoons today!? 

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