Sunday, July 23, 2023

Perfect Break

I got this yellow bowl as part of a set of mixing bowls for our wedding. For probably 7+ years now I have kept this yellow bowl in one side of my sink to collect little dishes that are dirty. I've liked doing this because it keeps everything together and it's easy to just pull the bowl out when I'm ready to do the dishes and have everything all together.  

I was so sad when one day a few weeks ago I was doing the dishes and it slipped out of my hands when I picked it up. It fell on the floor and broke in two. I was really impressed, though, at the perfect break that it made! I could literally pick up both pieces and put them back together like nothing had happened! I held onto it for a week or so because I wanted to glue it back together, but I realized the type of material this is probably woudn't glue well, so I threw it out. I will miss this bowl! It was the perfect size for what I used it for. 

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