Saturday, December 23, 2023

Christmas In Kansas City

We went to Kansas City last weekend for Christmas with Ross' family and it was a really nice time! We went up Friday after school and got there just in time for a delicious steak dinner. Ross' brother and his family came over to visit a bit and have dessert with us. We hadn't visited with them in quite a while so it was nice to catch up. 

The next morning we celebrated Christmas with Larry and Wanda and got some fun gifts! Wanda had a big Santa bag that was filled with two presents for each of us that were family gifts and lots of fun! It was very creative and a great idea! She also had a big Nativity calendar with doors to open and had some nice surprises in the boxes for each of us. It was a fun way to give gifts. 

We went shopping that afternoon and had Chick fil A for lunch, which the girls loved. We went back to their house and had a pizza dinner before heading home. We were all tired, but it was a very nice Christmas in Kansas City! 

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