Monday, May 9, 2011

Anniversary Pictures

A few months ago I was reading a blog posting from a photographer friend of mine, Sarah Carter, and saw that she had a contest going on. She was going to the movies in a few days and wondered what type of candy she should try, so based the contest around that question. All I had to do was leave a comment with my name stating what my favorite movie candy was, and I had the chance to win a free 20-minute photo session with her. I thought it was easy enough, so left my name and favorite candy - Jujy Fruits!

I was excited to check back the next day and see that I was the winner of the free 20-minute photo session! And the timing of this couldn't have been any better.

I always thought it would be fun to take pictures each year on our anniversary to see how my husband and I aged over the years. I even thought it'd be fun to have a 1, 2, 3, etc., in the picture, too, denoting what year it was . . .  you know, like how kids have a 1, 2, 3, etc., in their pictures denoting what birthday the pictures are commemorating?! :) So by winning this simple contest, I won anniversary pictures for Ross and me!

We took the pictures on April 2, and couldn't have asked for a better day. The sun was shining and all the spring colors were in full bloom. Thanks for the fun time and great pictures, Sarah!

1 comment:

Christina said...

I LOVE this idea!! :) And your pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!! :):) I love it that you LOVE pictures!! They each hold such a special reminder of a special time and place! :):) I can't WAIT to see where you hang these new pictures at your home! :)