Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thanksgiving Recap

We had a nice Thanksgiving holiday. I took Wednesday off from work and did a little Christmas shopping. On Thanksgiving morning I walked the Turkey Trot 5K (3.1 miles) with my dad. This is the fourth year we have walked it together and hope to continue doing it in the future.

Later that morning, Ross and I drove up to Kansas City for Thanksgiving dinner with his family. A couple that Larry and Wanda have been friends with for quite some time always join them for Thanksgiving dinner, along with their kids. After dinner we enjoyed dessert and playing "Win, Lose, or Draw." It was a very nice time!

Friday we did a little shopping - not early Black Friday shopping, more like 11am Black Friday shopping - and then hung out with one of Ross' high school friends for a while before heading back to Springfield. 

Saturday we had my parents, my sister and her family, my aunt and uncle from Omaha, and my cousins from Texas over for lunch and an afternoon of visiting. It was a great time just hanging out together.

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